How To Play Classic Ludo

How To Play Classic Ludo

Become a Better Player!

Setting up the Game:

1. Board and Tokens:

Classic Ludo is typically played on a square board with a cross-shaped design. Each player has four tokens of the same color.

2. Starting Positions:

Each player's tokens start in their respective home areas. The objective is to move all tokens from the home area to the home triangle in the center of the board.


3. Dice Roll:

Players take turns rolling a six-sided die. The player who rolls the highest number goes first. In the event of a tie, both players re-roll.

4. Token Movement:

After rolling the die, a player can choose one of their tokens to move forward the number of spaces indicated by the die. Tokens are moved in a clockwise direction around the board. The tokens move along their respective colored paths.

5. Capturing:

If a player's token lands on a space already occupied by their opponent's token, the opponent's token is sent back to the starting area. This is known as capturing a token. Captured tokens must re-enter the board from the starting area on subsequent turns.

6. Entering the Center Triangle:

To move a token from the outer path to the center triangle (home), a player must roll the exact number required. For example, if a token is two spaces away from the center triangle, the player must roll a 2 to enter. If a player rolls a number that would move a token beyond the center triangle, it can be moved to the center and then further around the player's home path.

7.Safety Squares:

Some spaces on the board are designated as safety squares. Tokens on these squares are safe from capture. Players cannot capture tokens on their own safe squares, but they can capture opponent tokens that land there.

8.Double Roll:

If a player rolls a double (both dice show the same number), they get an extra turn after completing the move for the double roll. Doubles are rolled again, and the player must use both rolls. If a player rolls three consecutive doubles, their turn is forfeited, and their token remains in the starting area.

9. Winning the Game:

The first player to move all four of their tokens to the home triangle is the winner. The tokens must reach the exact number required to enter the triangle to complete the game.

Additional Rules and Tips:

10. Strategic Considerations:

Players should consider the balance between advancing their tokens and keeping them safe from capture. Careful planning and strategy are essential for success in Classic Ludo.

11.Respect the Rules:

It's important to play the game with fairness and abide by the rules. Captured tokens must be sent back to the starting area before re-entering the board.

12. House Rules:

While the above rules describe the standard two-player Classic Ludo, many players have their own house rules and variations. These may include starting all tokens in the center triangle, playing with more than two players, or modifying the rules for capturing.